Tequesta First Responders Find In-House Gym Rebuilt and Replaced by Rob Thomson - Rob Thomson

Tequesta First Responders Find In-House Gym Rebuilt and Replaced by Rob Thomson

Rob Thomson
Posted by Rob Thomson
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Published in Articles

Police, Firefighters and Elected Officials in Tequesta cut the ribbon to open a new fitness facility for first responders donated by Jupiter Realtor Rob Thomson.  The old station gym shared by Police and Firefighters in the Village of Tequesta was small, dated and lacking new equipment. Tequesta Police Chief Gustavo Medina said, “Our gym needed a major overhaul. It was not appealing or functional for First Responders to stay fit to serve our community.”

 Then Jupiter Realtor Rob Thomson became involved. When he saw the small room that was supposed to help keep First Responders in shape he was appalled. “If you tried to lift weights you might bump into a wall,” Thomson said and added,” the space also lacked any substantial equipment at all.”

 With the Covid pandemic making the use of public facilities a potential risk for those on the front lines, Thomson felt a new in-house fitness facility for First Responders would serve as both a thank-you from the community as well as a practical necessity for those whose work is physical and strenuous.

 Thomson offered to tear out walls, install special flooring, renovate the space and provide new state of the art equipment to create a facility worthy of those who save lives in our community. He contracted for the materials and equipment and personally picked up the entire bill for the new gym. Chief Medina says the work and donation is a God-send, “It’s hard to believe this was the same space. It’s bigger, stocked with incredible equipment and will be enjoyed for many years.  Rob’s generosity and dedication to seeing this project thru is appreciated by all who will benefit from this wonderful gift.” 

 Thomson says it’s about appreciating those who wear uniforms and work on our behalf every day, “Recent events have been hard on our First Responders. It’s important for us to stand by them as they are always here for us.  I hope this new gym lets each of them know how much they are valued by us all.” The donor, Rob Thomson, is a Jupiter Realtor and owner of Waterfront Properties.

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